Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I created 5 jobs in Anniston today!

We are getting our roof redone.  Its time.  Its leaking over the boy's bed.  Its leaking in the playroom.  Our neighbor had her roof reshingled a few weeks ago so I figured we'd just use the same company.  As I was interviewing the owner he asked me if it was okay if they did it on Saturday because they didn't have a permit and the code enforcers didn't work on the weekend.  When I found out the permits were only $75 I knew it wasn't hardship--he wouldn't get the permit on principle.  The city had threatened to take him to court if he kept working here.  I told him I would only if he had a permit.  He said he'd get one later today.  5 workers had a job today because I insisted the laws of the city be followed.  I don't know there stories, but I can almost guarantee that a rent will be paid, a birthday present for a child will be bought, and groceries will be on the table for another day because I insisted on honesty.  Now those men can work EVERYDAY in Anniston instead of just on the weekends and their families can continue to support themselves.  One decision, one action, one person can change the world. One day at a time.  I do love living in Anniston.

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