Thursday, October 27, 2011

inside Aniston Elementary Schools

Today I visited not one but two local elementaries, and I must say I was thoroughly schooled! First of all, I want everyone to realize you can't believe everything you read or hear (in the Anniston Star or from other people).  In fact, don't believe me.  Go see the schools for yourself.

I had a wonderful visit at Randolph Park Elementary.  The principal, Ms. Gunter is a 37 year veteran of Anniston education and has held the post of principal for approximately 10 years.  She was friendly and verbose and made me feel welcome.  Then the parent involvement coordinator, Ms. Sims, toured me around campus.  The walls were adorned with every type of artwork imaginable and the halls also displayed science and history projects.  Each 3-5th grade classroom was equipped with NEOs (a type of computerized keyboard that interfaces with the teacher's computer) and a smart board.  There was also a computer lab with 26 iMacs.  Class sizes were small12-15 and the teachers were willing to let me observe.  Most of the teachers I met had been there over 5 years and the librarian drives every day from Georgia!  It was a very positive place.

My second visit was to Constantine, a school I was already familiar with from my days working at Sirius Education in the same community.  Again, I was met by a friendly, intelligent veteran principal, Ms. Garrick.  The thing she stressed to me over and over (and I have observed on my own) is that it is the community surrounding the school rather than the school itself that needs to be addressed.  The school has what it needs to function (although admittedly they have been without a secretary for awhile and are relying on volunteers).  She suggests that the most important thing people who are interested in helping could do would be to befriend those in the surrounding community and be an example.  This could be done by volunteering at Head Start, the Boys and Girls Club or in the housing authority.

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